eBook: Complete Old English Poems (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Craig Williamson, Tom Shippey 
系列: The Middle Ages Series
分類: Literary studies: general ,
Literary studies: poetry & poets ,
Anglo-Saxon ,
BCE to c 500 CE ,
c 500 CE to c 1000 CE ,
c 1000 CE to c 1500  
書城編號: 20558195

售價: $1950.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 1-4 天

製造商: University of Pennsylvania Press, Inc.
出版日期: 2017/01/31
頁數: 1248
ISBN: 9780812293210
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From the riddling song of a bawdy onion that moves between kitchen and bedroom to the thrilling account of Beowulf's battle with a treasure-hoarding dragon, from the heart-rending lament of a lone castaway to the embodied speech of the cross upon which Christ was crucified, from the anxiety of Eve, who carries "a sumptuous secret in her hands / And a tempting truth hidden in her heart," to the trust of Noah who builds "a sea-floater, a wave-walking / Ocean-home with rooms for all creatures," the world of the Anglo-Saxon poets is a place of harshness, beauty, and wonder.Now for the first time, the entire Old English poetic corpusincluding poems and fragments discovered only within the past fifty yearsis rendered into modern strong-stress, alliterative verse in a masterful translation by Craig Williamson.Accompanied by an introduction by noted medievalist Tom Shippey on the literary scope and vision of these timeless poems and Williamson's own introductions to the individual works and his essay on translating Old English poetry, the texts transport us back to the medieval scriptorium or ancient mead-hall, to share a herdsman's recounting of the story of the world's creation or a people's sorrow at the death of a beloved king, to be present at the clash of battle or to puzzle over the sacred and profane answers to riddles posed over a thousand years ago. This is poetry as stunning in its vitality as it is true to its sources. Were Williamson's idiom not so modern, we might think that the Anglo-Saxon poets had taken up the lyre again and begun to sing once more.
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Craig Williamson 作者作品表

eBook: Old English Riddles of the 'Exeter Book' (DRM PDF)

eBook: Pain-Free Sitting, Standing, and Walking (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Feast of Creatures: Anglo-Saxon Riddle-Songs (DRM PDF)

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Tom Shippey 作者作品表

Beowulf Translation and Commentary (Expanded Edition) (Paperback)

Beowulf Translation and Commentary (Expanded Edition) (Hardcover)

Eric Brighteyes (Paperback)

Eric Brighteyes (Hardcover)

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The Road to Middle-earth: How J. R. R. Tolkien Created a New Mythology (Revised Enlarged Third edition) (Paperback)

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