eBook: Order and Chivalry: Knighthood and Citizenship in Late Medieval Castile (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Jesus D. Rodriguez-Velasco, Eunice Rodriguez Ferguson 
系列: The Middle Ages Series
分類: European history ,
Medieval history ,
Genealogy, heraldry, names & honours ,
c 1000 CE to c 1500 ,
書城編號: 20558228

售價: $1039.00

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製造商: University of Pennsylvania Press, Inc.
出版日期: 2016/01/13
頁數: 304
ISBN: 9780812293449
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Knighthood and chivalry are commonly associated with courtly aristocracy and military prowess. Instead of focusing on the relationship between chivalry and nobility, Jess D. Rodrguez-Velasco asks different questions. Does chivalry have anything to do with the emergence of an urban bourgeoisie? If so, how? And in a more general sense, what is the importance of chivalry in inventing and modifying a social class?In Order and Chivalry, Rodrguez-Velasco explores the role of chivalry in the emergence of the middle class in an increasingly urbanized fourteenth-century Castile. The book considers how secular, urban knighthood organizations came to life and created their own rules, which differed from martial and religiously oriented ideas of chivalry and knighthood. It delves into the cultural and legal processes that created orders of society as well as orders of knights. The first of these chivalric orders was the exclusively noble Castilian Orden de la Banda, or Order of the Sash, established by King Alfonso XI. Soon after that order was created, others appeared that drew membership from city-dwelling, bourgeois commoners. City institutions with ties to monarchyincluding the Brotherhood of Knights and the Confraternities of Santa Mara de Gamonal and Santiago de Burgosproduced chivalric rules and statutes that redefined the privileges and political structures of urban society. By analyzing these foundational documents, such as Libro de la Banda, Order and Chivalry reveals how the poetics of order operated within the medieval Iberian world and beyond to transform the idea of the city and the practice of citizenship.
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