eBook: Music of Reason: Rousseau, Nietzsche, Plato (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Michael Davis 
系列: Haney Foundation Series
分類: Social & political philosophy ,
Political science & theory  
書城編號: 20558735

售價: $1170.00

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製造商: University of Pennsylvania Press, Inc.
出版日期: 2019/11/15
頁數: 272
ISBN: 9780812296600
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In recent years, the field of cognitive psychology has begun to explore the rootedness of rational thinking in subrational inspiration, insight, or instincta kind of prediscursive hunch that leaps ahead and guides rational thought before the reasoning human being is even aware of it. In The Music of Reason, Michael Davis shows that this "musical" quality of thinking is something that leading philosophers have long been aware of and explored with great depth and subtlety. Focusing on the work of three thinkers traditionally viewed as among the most poetic of philosophersRousseau, Nietzsche, and PlatoDavis reveals the complex and profound ways in which they each plumbed the depths of reason's "prerational" foundations.Davis first examines Rousseau's Essay on the Origins of Languages: Where Something Is Said About Melody and Musical Imitation and Nietzsche's The Birth of Tragedy Out of the Spirit of Music to demonstrate that revealing the truth, or achieving individual enlightenment, requires poetic techniques such as irony, indirection, and ambiguity. How philosophers say things is as worthy of our attention as what they say. Turning to Plato's Lesser Hippias, Davis then reconsiders the relation between truth-telling and lying, finding the Platonic dialogue to be an artful synthesis of music and reason.The "ancient quarrel between philosophy and poetry" that Plato placed near the core of this thinking suggests a tension between the rational (scientific) and the nonrational (poetic), or between the true and the beautifulthe one clear and definite, the other allusive and musical. Contemplating language in Rousseau, the Dionysian in Nietzsche, and playfulness in Plato, The Music of Reason explores how what we might initially perceive as irrational and so antithetical to reason is, in fact, constitutive of it.
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Michael Davis 作者作品表

Our Story of the God of Miracles (Paperback)

Love By The Grace of God (Paperback)

Smoking and Salt Curing Cookbook for Preppers: How to Cure & Preserve Beef, Pork, Poultry, Fish, Wild Game and Vegetables (Paperback)

Sausage Making Cookbook for Beginners: Easy and Delicious Sausage Recipes to Delight your Palate and Essential Techniques to Master the Art of Healthy

Electras: Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides (Paperback)

The History, Present, and Future of Software Engineering in an Age of Infinite Lines of Code (Paperback)

Understanding Stock Trading: Introduction to Investing (Paperback)

eBook: Engineering as a Global Profession: Technical and Ethical Standards (DRM PDF)

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The Clay Chronicles: Alexander (Paperback)

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Fool Me Once (Hardcover)

eBook: Politics as Usual: Thomas Dewey, Franklin Roosevelt, and the Wartime Presidential campaign of 1944 (DRM PDF)

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