eBook: Corrupter of Boys: Sodomy, Scandal, and the Medieval Clergy (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Dyan Elliott 
系列: The Middle Ages Series
分類: History ,
Medieval history ,
Archaeology ,
c 500 CE to c 1000 CE  
書城編號: 20558883

售價: $585.00

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製造商: University of Pennsylvania Press, Inc.
出版日期: 2020/11/27
頁數: 448
ISBN: 9780812297485
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In the fourth century, clerics began to distinguish themselves from members of the laity by virtue of their augmented claims to holiness. Because clerical celibacy was key to this distinction, religious authorities of all stripespatristic authors, popes, theologians, canonists, monastic founders, and commentatorsbecame progressively sensitive to sexual scandals that involved the clergy and developed sophisticated tactics for concealing or dispelling embarrassing lapses. According to Dyan Elliott, the fear of scandal dictated certain lines of action and inaction, the consequences of which are painfully apparent today. In The Corrupter of Boys, she demonstrates how, in conjunction with the requirement of clerical celibacy, scandal-averse policies at every conceivable level of the ecclesiastical hierarchy have enabled the widespread sexual abuse of boys and male adolescents within the Church.Elliott examines more than a millennium's worth of doctrine and practice to uncover the origins of a culture of secrecy and concealment of sin. She charts the continuities and changes, from late antiquity into the high Middle Ages, in the use of boys as sexual objects before focusing on four specific milieus in which boys and adolescents would have been especially at risk in the high and later Middle Ages: the monastery, the choir, the schools, and the episcopal court.The Corrupter of Boys is a work of stunning breadth and discomforting resonance, as Elliott concludes that the same clerical prerogatives and privileges that were formulated in late antiquity and the medieval eraand the same strategies to cover up the abuses they enableremain very much in place.
The Middle Ages Series

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Dyan Elliott 作者作品表

eBook: Corrupter of Boys: Sodomy, Scandal, and the Medieval Clergy (DRM PDF)

eBook: Corrupter of Boys: Sodomy, Scandal, and the Medieval Clergy (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Bride of Christ Goes to Hell: Metaphor and Embodiment in the Lives of Pious Women, 200-1500 (DRM PDF)

eBook: Bride of Christ Goes to Hell: Metaphor and Embodiment in the Lives of Pious Women, 200-1500 (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Fallen Bodies: Pollution, Sexuality, and Demonology in the Middle Ages (DRM PDF)

eBook: Fallen Bodies: Pollution, Sexuality, and Demonology in the Middle Ages (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Proving Woman: Female Spirituality and Inquisitional Culture in the Later Middle Ages (DRM PDF)

eBook: Proving Woman: Female Spirituality and Inquisitional Culture in the Later Middle Ages (DRM EPUB)

Fallen Bodies (Paperback)

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