eBook: Hoodlum Movies: Seriality and the Outlaw Biker Film Cycle, 1966-1972 (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Stanfield Peter Stanfield 
書城編號: 20562861

售價: $506.00

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製造商: Rutgers University Press
出版日期: 2018/07/13
頁數: 214
ISBN: 9780813599052

From The Wild Angels in 1966 until its conclusion in 1972, the cycle of outlaw motorcycle films contained forty-odd formulaic examples. All but one were made by independent companies that specialized in producing exploitation movies for drive-ins, neighborhood theaters, and rundown inner city theaters. Despised by critics, but welcomed by exhibitors denied first-run films, these cheaply and quickly produced movies were made to appeal to audiences of mobile youths. The films are repetitive, formulaic, and eminently forgettable, but there is a story to tell about all of the above, and it is one worth hearing. Hoodlum Movies is not only about the films, its focus is on why and how these films were made, who they were made for, and how the cycle developed through the second half of the 1960s and came to a shuddering halt in 1972.   
Stanfield Peter Stanfield 作者作品表

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eBook: Hoodlum Movies: Seriality and the Outlaw Biker Film Cycle, 1966-1972 (DRM PDF)

eBook: Hoodlum Movies: Seriality and the Outlaw Biker Film Cycle, 1966-1972 (DRM EPUB)

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