eBook: To Dare the Our Father: A Transformative Spiritual Practice (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: John Shea 
分類: Christian prayerbooks ,
Christian spirituality & religious experience ,
Christian life & practice ,
Personal Christian testimony & popular inspirational works ,
Prayers & liturgical material  
書城編號: 20565965

售價: $273.00

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製造商: Liturgical Press
出版日期: 2018/01/12
頁數: 184
ISBN: 9780814645857
>> 相關實體書

The Lord's Prayer accompanies the lives of Christians. When we are happy or sad, when we eagerly wait for a child to be born or silently keep watch as an elder dies, alone in the woods or together in liturgy, filled with gratitude or emptied by grief, driven to praise or dragged to repent, the Our Father finds its way to our lips.To Dare the Our Father recognizes and respects these experiences but it envisions praying the prayer as a more sustained and challenging undertaking. How does praying the Our Father inform our thinking, feeling, willing, and acting? How does it become for us a transformative spiritual practice? John Shea explores these questions and more to discover what it looks like to become people of prayer.
John Shea 作者作品表

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