eBook: Confluence of Transatlantic Networks: Elites, Capitalism, and Confederate Migration to Brazil (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Jarnagin Laura Jarnagin 
系列: Atlantic Crossings
書城編號: 20570074

售價: $454.00

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製造商: University of Alabama Press
出版日期: 2014/05/31
頁數: 328
ISBN: 9780817380403

A Confluence of Transatlantic Network demonstrates how portions of interconnected trust-based kinship, business, and ideational transatlantic networks evolved over roughly a century and a half and eventually converged to engender, promote, and facilitate the migration of southern elites to Brazil in the post-Civil War era. Placing that migration in the context of the Atlantic world sharpens our understanding of the transborder dynamic of such mainstream nineteenth-century historical currents as international commerce, liberalism, Protestantism, and Freemasonry. The manifestation of these transatlantic forces as found in Brazil at midcentury provided disaffected Confederates with a propitious environment in which to try to re-create a cherished lifestyle.
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