eBook: Pirate Lord (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Vanda Vadas 
系列: Random Romance
分類: Historical romance  
書城編號: 20605484

售價: $39.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 1-4 天

製造商: Penguin Random House Australia
出版日期: 2015/06/01
頁數: 300
ISBN: 9780857989185

Can love for his beautiful, aristocratic captive rescue Miles from his lust for revenge? A family tragedy steeped in deceit and betrayal saw Lady Eloise Blakely vow never to fall victim to a man's charms, let alone invite him into her bed. Until fate swept her aboard a pirate's ship and into its captain's embrace. Yet when he reveals a dark secret, her lover becomes her enemy . . .Ten years ago, Miles Zachary Fenton was framed for murder. For so long he has fought to clear his name and reclaim his dukedom. Now, when both appear to be just within reach, he is forced to abduct a meddling beauty, one who wreaks havoc with his emotions and complicates his plans . . .'The Pirate Lord is a romantic treat - set sail for a great page-turner about love, passion, revenge, and adventure.' Anna Campbell, author of A Scoundrel by Moonlight'A sizzling debut from a talented new writer. Powerful emotion and delicious sensuality . . . Vanda Vadas is a captivating new voice in historical romance.' Christina Brooke, author of The Ministry of Marriage series
Random Romance

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