eBook: Historical Dialogue and the Prevention of Mass Atrocities (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Elazar Barkan, Constantin Goschler, James E. Waller 
系列: Routledge Studies in Genocide and Crimes against H
分類: Peace studies & conflict resolution ,
Genocide & ethnic cleansing ,
Violence in society ,
International relations ,
Armed conflict ,
International human rights law  
書城編號: 20630163

售價: $520.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 1-4 天

製造商: Taylor and Francis
出版日期: 2020/04/06
頁數: 312
ISBN: 9781000043860
>> 相關實體書

This book brings together a diverse range of international voices from academia, policymaking and civil society to address the failure to connect historical dialogue with atrocity prevention discourse and provide insight into how conflict histories and historical memory act as dynamic forces, actively facilitating or deterring current and future conflict. Established on a variety of international case studies combining theoretical and practical points of view, the book envisions an integrated understanding of how historical dialogue can inform policy, education, and the practice of atrocity prevention. In doing so, it provides a vital basis for the development of preventive policies sensitive to the importance of conflict histories and for further academic study on the topic. It will be of interest to all scholars and students of history, psychology, peace studies, international relations and political science.
Routledge Studies in Genocide and Crimes against H

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In the Shadow of Genocide: Justice and Memory Within Rwanda (Paperback)

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... [顯示此系列所有商品]

Constantin Goschler 作者作品表

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eBook: Compensation in Practice: The Foundation 'Remembrance, Responsibility and Future' and the Legacy of Forced Labour during the Third Reich (DRM P

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