eBook: Understanding Investments: Theories and Strategies (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Nikiforos T. Laopodis 
分類: International finance ,
Corporate finance ,
Credit & credit institutions ,
Investment & securities  
書城編號: 20632125

售價: $1001.00

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製造商: Taylor and Francis
出版日期: 2020/06/03
頁數: 636
ISBN: 9781000074741
>> 相關實體書

This revised and fully expanded edition of Understanding Investments continues to incorporate the elements of traditional textbooks on investments, but goes further in that the material is presented from an intuitive, practical point of view, and the supplementary material included in each chapter lends itself to both class discussion and further reading by students. It provides the essential tools to navigate complex, global financial markets and instruments including relevant (and classic) academic research and market perspectives.The author has developed a number of key innovative features. One unique feature is its economic angle, whereby each chapter includes a section dedicated to the economic analysis of that chapter's material. Additionally, all chapters contain sections on strategies that investors can apply in specific situations and the pros and cons of each are also discussed. The book provides further clarification of some of the concepts discussed in the previous edition, thereby offering a more detailed analysis and discussion, with more real-world examples. The author has added new, shorter text boxes, labeled "Market Flash" to highlight the use of, or changes in current practices in the field; updates on strategies as applied by professionals; provision of useful information for an investor; updates on regulations; and anything else that might be relevant in discussing and applying a concept. This second edition also includes new sections on core issues in the field of investments, such as alternative investments, disruptive technologies, and future trends in investment management.This textbook is intended for undergraduate students majoring or minoring in finance and also for students in economics and related disciplines who wish to take an elective course in finance or investments.
Nikiforos T. Laopodis 作者作品表

Financial Economics and Econometrics (Hardcover)

eBook: Financial Economics and Econometrics (DRM PDF)

eBook: Financial Economics and Econometrics (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Understanding Investments: Theories and Strategies (DRM PDF)

eBook: Understanding Investments: Theories and Strategies (DRM EPUB)

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