eBook: Rhetoric of InSecurity: The Language of Danger, Fear and Safety in National and International Contexts (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Victoria Baines 
系列: Law, Language and Communication
分類: linguistics ,
Semantics, discourse analysis, etc ,
Literature: history & criticism ,
Society & culture: general ,
Crime & criminology ,
Political structure & processes ,
International relations ,
Political control & freedoms ,
Warfare & defence ,
Criminology: legal aspects ,
International law ,
Constitutional & administrative law ,
Criminal law & procedure ,
Criminal justice law ,
IT & Communications law ,
Social law ,
Military engineering ,
Legal aspects of IT ,
Computer fraud & hacking ,
Computer science ,
書城編號: 20652554

售價: $494.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 1-4 天

製造商: Taylor and Francis
出版日期: 2021/07/14
頁數: 144
ISBN: 9781000406559
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This book demands that we question what we are told about security, using tools we have had for thousands of years. The work considers the history of security rhetoric in a number of distinct but related contexts, including the United States' security strategy, the "war" on Big Tech, and current concerns such as cybersecurity. Focusing on the language of security discourse, it draws common threads from the ancient world to the present day and the near future. The book grounds recent comparisons of Donald Trump to the Emperor Nero in a linguistic evidence base. It examines the potential impact on society of policy-makers' emphasis on the novelty of cybercrime, their likening of the internet to the Wild West, and their claims that criminals have "gone dark". It questions governments' descriptions of technology companies in words normally reserved for terrorists, and asks who might benefit. Interdisciplinary in approach, the book builds on existing literature in the Humanities and Social Sciences, most notably studies on rhetoric in Greco-Roman texts, and on the articulation of security concerns in law, international relations, and public policy contexts. It adds value to this body of research by offering new points of comparison, and a fresh but tried and tested way of looking at problems that are often presented as unprecedented. It will be essential to legal and policy practitioners, students of Law, Politics, Media, and Classics, and all those interested in employing critical thinking.
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Victoria Baines 作者作品表

eBook: Rhetoric of InSecurity: The Language of Danger, Fear and Safety in National and International Contexts (DRM PDF)

eBook: Rhetoric of InSecurity: The Language of Danger, Fear and Safety in National and International Contexts (DRM EPUB)

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