The Remains of the Day (Hardcover)
作者: Kazuo Ishiguro 
書城編號: 2069397

原價: HK$300.00
現售: HK$285 節省: HK$15

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出版社: Everymans Lib
出版日期: 2012/10/02
重量: 0.38 kg
ISBN: 9780307961440

From the Nobel Prize-winning author, here is an elegant Everyman's Library hardcover edition of the universally acclaimed novel--winner of the Booker Prize, a bestseller, and the basis for an award-winning film--with full-cloth binding, a silk ribbon marker, a chronology, and an introduction by Salman Rushdie.

Here is Kazuo Ishiguro's profoundly compelling portrait of Stevens, the perfect butler, and of his fading, insular world in post-World War II England. Stevens, at the end of three decades of service at Darlington Hall, spending a day on a country drive, embarks as well on a journey through the past in an effort to reassure himself that he has served humanity by serving the great gentleman, Lord Darlington. But lurking in his memory are doubts about the true nature of Lord Darlington's greatness, and much graver doubts about the nature of his own life.

Kazuo Ishiguro 作者作品表

The Summer We Crossed Europe in the Rain: Lyrics for Stacey Kent (Main) (Hardcover)

The Summer We Crossed Europe in the Rain: Lyrics for Stacey Kent (Hardcover)

Never Let Me Go (Hardcover)

Never Let Me Go: Introduction by David Sexton (Hardcover)

Never Let Me Go (Main) (Paperback)

An Enchanted Painter (Paperback)

Klara and the Sun: The Times and Sunday Times Book of the Year (Main) (Paperback)

Klara and the Sun: The Times and Sunday Times Book of the Year (Main) (Hardcover)

Klara and the Sun (Unabridged ed) (CD-Audio)

Klara and the Sun: The Times and Sunday Times Book of the Year (Main) (Hardcover)


eBook: Klara and the Sun (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Klara and the Sun: Longlisted for the Booker Prize 2021 (DRM EPUB)

A Day Left Behind (Paperback)

eBook: Gjiganti i fjetur (DRM EPUB)

Pale View of Hills (Paperback)

eBook: Pale View of Hills (DRM EPUB)

Buried Giant (Paperback)

Never Let Me Go (Paperback)

A Pale View of the Hills (Paperback)

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