eBook: Cracking the Tech Career (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Gayle Laakmann McDowell 
分類: Business & management ,
Information technology industries ,
Advice on careers & achieving success  
書城編號: 20714441

原價: HK$247.00
現售: HK$234.65 節省: HK$12.35

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製造商: Wiley
出版日期: 2014/09/02
ISBN: 9781118968093
>> 相關實體書

Become the applicant Google can't turn down Cracking the Tech Career is the job seeker's guide to landing a coveted position at one of the top tech firms. A follow-up to The Google Resume, this book provides new information on what these companies want, and how to show them you have what it takes to succeed in the role. Early planners will learn what to study, and established professionals will discover how to make their skillset and experience set them apart from the crowd. Author Gayle Laakmann McDowell worked in engineering at Google, and interviewed over 120 candidates as a member of the hiring committee in this book, she shares her perspectives on what works and what doesn't, what makes you desirable, and what gets your resume saved or deleted. Apple, Microsoft, and Google are the coveted companies in the current job market. They field hundreds of resumes every day, and have their pick of the cream of the crop when it comes to selecting new hires. If you think the right alma mater is all it takes, you need to update your thinking. Top companies, especially in the tech sector, are looking for more. This book is the complete guide to becoming the candidate they just cannot turn away. Discover the career paths that run through the top tech firms Learn how to craft the prefect resume and prepare for the interview Find ways to make yourself stand out from the hordes of other applicants Understand what the top companies are looking for, and how to demonstrate that you're it These companies need certain skillsets, but they also want a great culture fit. Grades aren't everything, experience matters, and a certain type of applicant tends to succeed. Cracking the Tech Career reveals what the hiring committee wants, and shows you how to get it.
Gayle Laakmann McDowell 作者作品表

Cracking the Tech Career: Insider Advice on Landing a Job at Google, Microsoft, Apple, or Any Top Tech Company (MP3 CD)

Cracking the Tech Career: Insider Advice on Landing a Job at Google, Microsoft, Apple, or Any Top Tech Company (Compact Disc)

提升程式設計師的面試力|189道面試題目與解答 第六版 修訂版

提升程式設計師的面試力|189道面試題目與解答 第六版

Cracking the Tech Career (Paperback)

eBook: Cracking the Tech Career (DRM PDF)

eBook: Cracking the Tech Career (DRM EPUB)

Cracking the PM Interview (Paperback)

Cracking the Coding Interview (paperback)

Google Resume (Hardcover)

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