eBook: Blueprint 4: Capturing Global Environmental Value (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: D.W. Pearce 
系列: Blueprint Series
分類: Politics & government ,
Environmental economics ,
Jurisprudence & general issues ,
Public international law ,
Conservation of the environment  
書城編號: 20736096

售價: $494.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 1-4 天

製造商: Taylor and Francis
出版日期: 2014/07/16
頁數: 212
ISBN: 9781134163892
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Blueprint 4 continues the theme of Blueprint 2 in looking at the opportunities for using market forces for environmental ends. It assesses a range of possible imaginative 'global bargains', which give all parties a self-interested incentive to improve the global environment. The book begins by reviewing the principle global issues to be addressed, and then explains the mechanisms of resource degradation: how economic systems fail, the operation of trade on the environment and the effects of population growth and consumption patterns. It then shows how environmental value can be captured, and the basis, means and institutions for doing so.
Blueprint Series

eBook: Blueprint 4: Capturing Global Environmental Value (DRM PDF)

eBook: Blueprint 4: Capturing Global Environmental Value (DRM EPUB)

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D.W. Pearce 作者作品表

eBook: Blueprint 4: Capturing Global Environmental Value (DRM PDF)

eBook: Blueprint 4: Capturing Global Environmental Value (DRM EPUB)

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