eBook: Psychoanalytic Theory for Social Work Practice: Thinking Under Fire (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Marion Bower 
分類: Medicine: general issues ,
Mental health services ,
書城編號: 20739758

售價: $481.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 1-4 天

製造商: Taylor and Francis
出版日期: 2004/08/02
頁數: 210
ISBN: 9781134304684
>> 相關實體書

Written by practicing social workers and social work educators, this text analyzes modern psychoanalytic and psychosocial approaches to social work and relates them to current practices and values. Focusing on working with children and families, the text covers salient issues in social work practice including risk assessment, dealing with parents with drug and alcohol problems, supervision and management of emotional stress. Throughout the book there is an emphasis on the realities of frontline practice, and looking at what can realistically be achieved. It also addresses the research evidence for this approach. With psychoanalytic and psychosocial approaches becoming increasingly popular, this text will be a welcome addition for professionals, students and social work educators.
Marion Bower 作者作品表

The Challenges of Working with Child Sexual Exploitation and How a Psychoanalytic Understanding Can Help (Hardcover)

The Challenges of Working with Child Sexual Exploitation and How a Psychoanalytic Understanding Can Help (Paperback)

Life and Work of Joan Riviere (Paperback)

eBook: Life and Work of Joan Riviere: Freud, Klein and Female Sexuality (DRM PDF)

eBook: Life and Work of Joan Riviere: Freud, Klein and Female Sexuality (DRM EPUB)

What Social Workers Need to Know (Paperback)

Psychoanalytic Theory for Social Work Practice (Paperback)

eBook: Psychoanalytic Theory for Social Work Practice: Thinking Under Fire (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Psychoanalytic Theory for Social Work Practice: Thinking Under Fire (DRM PDF)

eBook: Psychoanalytic Theory for Social Work Practice: Thinking Under Fire (DRM PDF)

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