eBook: Dying to be Men: Youth, Masculinity and Social Exclusion (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Gary Barker 
系列: Sexuality, Culture and Health
分類: Regional studies ,
Illness & addiction: social aspects ,
Gender studies: men ,
Sociology ,
Social work ,
Personal & public health ,
Birth control, contraception, family planning ,
Medical sociology ,
Environmental medicine ,
Health & personal development  
書城編號: 20739770

售價: $585.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 1-4 天

製造商: Taylor and Francis
出版日期: 2005/05/04
頁數: 186
ISBN: 9781134305162
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One of the first comparative reflections of its kind, this book examines the challenges that young men face when trying to grow up in societies where violence is the norm. Barker, who has worked directly with low-income youth and witnessed first hand the violence he describes, provides a compelling account of the young men's struggles. He discusses the problems these men face in other areas of their lives, including the difficulty of staying in school, the multiple challenges of coming of age as men in the face of social exclusion, including finding meaningful employment, and their interactions with young women, including sexual behaviour and the implications of this for HIV/AIDS prevention. The book presents examples of evaluated programs that have been able to aid young men in rethinking what it means to be a man and ultimately focuses on 'voices of resistance' - young men who find ways to stay out of violence and to show respect and equality in their relationships, even in settings where male violence and rigid attitudes about manhood are prevalent.
Sexuality, Culture and Health

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... [顯示此系列所有商品]

Gary Barker 作者作品表

Museum Of Lost Love (Paperback)

eBook: Museum of Lost Love (DRM EPUB)

Mary of Kivu (Paperback)

Afghan Vampires Book Club (Paperback)

eBook: Dying to be Men: Youth, Masculinity and Social Exclusion (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Dying to be Men: Youth, Masculinity and Social Exclusion (DRM PDF)

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