eBook: Reading the Vampire (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Ken Gelder 
系列: Popular Fictions Series
分類: Literature & literary studies ,
Literature: history & criticism ,
Humanities ,
Media studies  
書城編號: 20758436

售價: $481.00

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製造商: Taylor and Francis
出版日期: 2002/08/27
頁數: 176
ISBN: 9781134895342
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Insatiable bloodlust, dangerous sexualities, the horror of the undead, uncharted Trannsylvanian wildernesses, and a morbid fascination with the `other': the legend of the vampire continues to haunt popular imagination.Reading the Vampire examines the vampire in all its various manifestations and cultural meanings. Ken Gelder investigates vampire narratives in literature and in film, from early vampire stories like Sheridan Le Fanu's `lesbian vampire' tale Carmilla and Bram Stoker's Dracula, the most famous vampire narrative of all, to contemporary American vampire blockbusters by Stephen King and others, the vampire chronicles of Anne Rice, `post-Ceausescu' vampire narratives, and films such as FW Murnau's Nosferatu and Bram Stoker's Dracula.Reading the Vampire embeds vampires in their cultural contexts, showing vampire narratives feeding off the anxieties and fascinations of their times: from the nineteenth century perils of tourism, issues of colonialism and national identity, and obsessions with sex and death, to the `queer' identity of the vampire or current vampiric metaphors for dangerous exchanges of bodily fluids and AIDS.
Popular Fictions Series

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eBook: Reading the Vampire (DRM PDF)

eBook: Popular Film and Television Comedy (DRM PDF)

eBook: Reading the Vampire (DRM PDF)

eBook: Science Fiction Audiences: Watching Star Trek and Doctor Who (DRM PDF)

eBook: Reading by Starlight: Postmodern Science Fiction (DRM PDF)

Reading by Starlight: Postmodern Science Fiction (Hardcover)

Ken Gelder 作者作品表

eBook: Adapting Bestsellers: Fantasy, Franchise and the Afterlife of Storyworlds (DRM PDF)

Adapting Bestsellers (Paperback)

New Directions in Popular Fiction: Genre, Distribution, Reproduction (1st ed. 2016) (Hardcover)

eBook: New Directions in Popular Fiction: Genre, Distribution, Reproduction (DRM PDF)

New Vampire Cinema (Paperback)

eBook: Subcultures: Cultural Histories and Social Practice (DRM PDF)

eBook: Subcultures: Cultural Histories and Social Practice (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Subcultures: Cultural Histories and Social Practice (DRM PDF)

The Subcultures Reader: Second Edition (2 ed) (Hardcover)

Subcultures Reader (Paperback)

eBook: Popular Fiction: The Logics and Practices of a Literary Field (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Popular Fiction: The Logics and Practices of a Literary Field (DRM PDF)

eBook: Popular Fiction: The Logics and Practices of a Literary Field (DRM PDF)

Popular Fiction (Paperback)

eBook: Reading the Vampire (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Reading the Vampire (DRM PDF)

eBook: Reading the Vampire (DRM PDF)

The Horror Reader (Paperback)

The Oxford Book of Australian Ghost Stories (Hardcover)

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