eBook: Materials & Media in Art Therapy: Critical Understandings of Diverse Artistic Vocabularies (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Catherine Hyland Moon 
分類: Counselling & advice services ,
Psychotherapy ,
Creative therapy (eg art, music, drama)  
書城編號: 20768029

售價: $611.00

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製造商: Taylor and Francis
出版日期: 2011/01/19
頁數: 336
ISBN: 9781135161620
>> 相關實體書

In art making, materials and media are the intermediaries between private ideas, thoughts and feelings, and their external manifestation in a tangible, sensual form. Thus, materials provide the core components of the exchange that occurs between art therapists and clients. This book focuses on the sensory-based, tangible vocabulary of materials and media and its relevance to art therapy. It provides a historical account of the theory and use of materials and media in art therapy, as well as an examination of the interface between art therapy, contemporary art materials and practices, and social/critical theory. Contributing authors provide examples of how art therapists have transgressed conventional material boundaries and expanded both thinking and practice in the field. The chapters discuss traditional as well as innovative media, such as body adornments, mail and video art, and comic books. An accompanying DVD contains media clips, as well as 69 color images.
Catherine Hyland Moon 作者作品表

eBook: Materials & Media in Art Therapy: Critical Understandings of Diverse Artistic Vocabularies (DRM PDF)

eBook: Materials & Media in Art Therapy: Critical Understandings of Diverse Artistic Vocabularies (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Materials & Media in Art Therapy: Critical Understandings of Diverse Artistic Vocabularies (DRM PDF)

Materials & Media in Art Therapy: Critical Understandings of Diverse Artistic Vocabularies (Hardcover)

eBook: Materials & Media in Art Therapy: Critical Understandings of Diverse Artistic Vocabularies (DRM PDF)

eBook: Materials & Media in Art Therapy: Critical Understandings of Diverse Artistic Vocabularies (DRM EPUB)

Studio Art Therapy (Paperback)

eBook: Studio Art Therapy: Cultivating the Artist Identity in the Art Therapist (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Studio Art Therapy: Cultivating the Artist Identity in the Art Therapist (DRM PDF)

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