eBook: Doubt (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Richard Shiff 
系列: Theories of Modernism and Postmodernism in the Vis
分類: Theory of art ,
History of art & design styles: from c 1900 -  
書城編號: 20784817

售價: $468.00

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製造商: Taylor and Francis
出版日期: 2012/04/23
頁數: 214
ISBN: 9781135872229
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In an age where art history's questions are now expected to receive answers, Richard Shiff presents a challenging alternative. In this essential new addition to James Elkins's series Theories of Modernism and Postmodernism in the Visual Arts, Richard Shiff embraces doubt as a critical tool and asks how particular histories of art have come to be. Shiff's turn to doubt is not a retreat to relativism, but rather an insistence on clear thinking about art. In particular, Shiff takes issue with the style of self-referential art writing seemingly 'licensed' by Roland Barthes. With an introduction by Rosie Bennett, Doubt is a study of the tension between practicing art and practicing criticism.
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eBook: Doubt (DRM PDF)

eBook: Doubt (DRM EPUB)

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Master Narratives and their Discontents (Hardcover)

Richard Shiff 作者作品表

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Joel Shapiro (Hardcover)

Joel Shapiro (Hardcover)

Bridget Riley: Works From 1981-2015

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eBook: Doubt (DRM PDF)

Zeng Fanzhi: Every Mark Its Mask (Hardcover)

Doubt (Paperback)

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