eBook: Subjectivity in Asian Children's Literature and Film: Global Theories and Implications (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: John Stephens 
系列: Children's Literature and Culture
分類: Films, cinema ,
Literature: history & criticism ,
Children’s & teenage literature studies ,
Regional studies ,
Humanities ,
Media studies ,
書城編號: 20794955

售價: $572.00

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製造商: Taylor and Francis
出版日期: 2012/11/12
頁數: 232
ISBN: 9781136228018
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Winner of the Children's Literature Association Honor Book AwardThis volume establishes a dialogue between East and West in children's literature scholarship. In all cultures, children's literature shows a concern to depict identity and individual development, so that character and theme pivot on questions of agency and the circumstances that frame an individual's decisions and capacities to make choices and act upon them. Such issues of selfhood fall under the heading subjectivity. Attention to the representation of subjectivity in literature enables us to consider how values are formed and changed, how emotions are cultivated, and how maturation is experienced. Because subjectivities emerge in social contexts, they vary from place to place. This book brings together essays by scholars from several Asian countries - Japan, India, Pakistan, Korea, Vietnam, Taiwan, Australia, Thailand, and The Philippines - to address subjectivities in fiction and film within frameworks that include social change, multiculturalism, post-colonialism, globalization, and glocalization. Few scholars of western children's literature have a ready understanding of what subjectivity entails in children's literature and film from Asian countries, especially where Buddhist or Confucian thought remains influential. This volume will impact scholarship and pedagogy both within the countries represented and in countries with established traditions in teaching and research, offering a major contribution to the flow of ideas between different academic and educational cultures.
Children's Literature and Culture
John Stephens 作者作品表

The History of the Rise and Progress of the New British Province of South Australia (Paperback)

The History of the Rise and Progress of the New British Province of South Australia (Hardcover)

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Fire Chronicle: The Books of Beginning 2 (Paperback)

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eBook: El atlas esmeralda (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Subjectivity in Asian Children's Literature and Film: Global Theories and Implications (DRM PDF)

eBook: Subjectivity in Asian Children's Literature and Film: Global Theories and Implications (DRM EPUB)

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