eBook: Implementing Response-to-Intervention to Address the Needs of English-Language Learners: Instructional Strategies and Assessment Tools for Scho
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Holly S. Hudspath-Niemi, Mary Lou Conroy 
系列: School-Based Practice in Action
分類: Bilingualism & multilingualism ,
Counselling & advice services ,
Psychology ,
Educational psychology ,
Multicultural education ,
Examinations & assessment ,
Teaching skills & techniques ,
書城編號: 20796071

售價: $507.00

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製造商: Taylor and Francis
出版日期: 2013/06/26
頁數: 174
ISBN: 9781136257131
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There is considerable concern surrounding the complex issue of how to meet the learning needs of English-language learners within general and special education programs. Implementing Response-to-Intervention to Address the Needs of English-Language Learners increases school psychologists' knowledge of intervention strategies related to ELLs, through its examination of the challenges associated with evaluating ELLs and by providing a collaborative framework to enhance educational identification and placement in special education. It accomplishes this by incorporating research-based intervention approaches for ELLs and offering a comprehensive guide to the processes and tools that school teams should consider when utilizing a response to intervention model to support the academic and behavioral needs of ELLs. With a strong focus on alternative assessment, collaboration, and parental involvement, this volume in a definitive touchstone in the quest to provide culturally responsive pedagogy and appropriate adapted classroom instruction for English-language learners of various proficiency levels.
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