一、哈利波特 Harry Potter
An enchanted trial and mission 魔法的考驗與任務
The Cinderella of the literary world 文壇的灰姑娘
The good and the bad in the magical world 魔法力量的正與反
An incredible world 不可思議的世界
Capturing the hearts of movie fans 擄獲影迷的心
二、魔戒 Lord of the Rings
A ring embedded with dark powers 凝聚黑暗勢力之戒
A writer with a passion for linguistics 熱愛語言學的作家
Colorful peoples 各具特色的族群
The pioneer of fantasy literature 奇幻文學的始祖
The best New Zealand endorsement 紐西蘭最佳代言
三、納尼亞傳奇The Chronicles of Narnia
A kingdom built on song 以歌聲建立的王國
Fast working author 快筆作家
The boy, the witch, and the lion 男孩、女巫、雄獅
A realistic story of a kingdom’s rise and decline 寫實的王國興衰史
A movie that started from a wardrobe 從衣櫥開始的電影
四、暮光之城 Twilight
Creepy Love 戰慄之愛
An amazing housewife 一鳴驚人的主婦
The young lady and the vampires 少女與吸血鬼們
A romance that runs wild with imagination 引人遐思的愛情
Fearless love 無懼的愛