eBook: Digital Citizenship and Political Engagement: The Challenge from Online Campaigning and Advocacy Organisations (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Ariadne Vromen 
系列: Interest Groups, Advocacy and Democracy Series
分類: Media studies ,
Political structure & processes ,
Political structures: democracy ,
Political activism ,
Ethical & social aspects of IT  
書城編號: 20828655

售價: $1424.00

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製造商: Palgrave Macmillan UK
出版日期: 2016/11/25
ISBN: 9781137488657
>> 相關實體書

This book considers the radical effects the emergence of social media and digital politics have had on the way that advocacy organisations mobilise and organise citizens into political participation. It argues that these changes are due not only to technological advancement but are also underpinned by hybrid media systems, new political narratives, and a new networked generation of political actors. The author empirically analyses the emergence and consolidation within advanced democracies of online campaigning organisations, such as MoveOn, 38 Degrees, Getup and AVAAZ. Vromen shows that they have become leading political advocates, and influential on both national and international level governance. The book critically engages with this digital disruption of traditional patterns of political mobilisation and organisation, and highlights the challenges in embracing new ideas such as entrepreneurialism and issue-driven politics. It will be of interest to advanced students and scholars in political participation and citizen politics, interest groups, civil society organisations, e-government and politics and social media.
Interest Groups, Advocacy and Democracy Series

eBook: Interest Groups and Political Representation in Portugal and Beyond (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Interest Groups and Political Representation in Portugal and Beyond (DRM PDF)

eBook: Think Tanks in Australia: Policy Contributions and Influence (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Think Tanks in Australia: Policy Contributions and Influence (DRM PDF)

eBook: Political Party Funding and Private Donations in Italy (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Political Party Funding and Private Donations in Italy (DRM PDF)

eBook: Achieving Democracy Through Interest Representation: Interest Groups in Central and Eastern Europe (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Achieving Democracy Through Interest Representation: Interest Groups in Central and Eastern Europe (DRM PDF)

eBook: Beyond Slacktivism: Political Participation on Social Media (DRM PDF)

eBook: Beyond Slacktivism: Political Participation on Social Media (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Digital Citizenship and Political Engagement: The Challenge from Online Campaigning and Advocacy Organisations (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Digital Citizenship and Political Engagement: The Challenge from Online Campaigning and Advocacy Organisations (DRM PDF)

eBook: Organization Ecology of Interest Communities: Assessment and Agenda (DRM PDF)

eBook: Transnational Civil Society and the World Bank: Investigating Civil Society's Potential to Democratize Global Governance (DRM PDF)

eBook: Micro and Meso Levels of Activism: A Comparative Case Study of Attac France and Germany (DRM PDF)

eBook: Scale of Interest Organization in Democratic Politics: Data and Research Methods (DRM PDF)

Ariadne Vromen 作者作品表

Crowdsourced Politics: The Rise of Online Petitions & Micro-Donations (Hardcover)

eBook: Digital Citizenship and Political Engagement: The Challenge from Online Campaigning and Advocacy Organisations (DRM PDF)

eBook: Digital Citizenship and Political Engagement: The Challenge from Online Campaigning and Advocacy Organisations (DRM EPUB)

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