eBook: Boys' Bodies: Sport, Health and Physical Activity (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Murray Drummond 
分類: Gender studies, gender groups ,
Sociology ,
Sociology: sport & leisure  
書城編號: 20832367

售價: $910.00

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製造商: Palgrave Macmillan UK
出版日期: 2019/07/01
ISBN: 9781137596543
>> 相關實體書

This is a book about boys' bodies, masculinities, and the ways in which boys navigate their lives from early childhood through to the beginning of adolescence. Drummond focuses on sport, health and physical activity, and adds context to the history of male bodies, the social construction of masculinity and the role of sport as a potential rite of passage for young males. Using rich descriptive interview data with 33 boys from the ages of 5 to 13, collected over an 8- year period, Boys' Bodies identifies important issues including the significance of muscularity and strength as signifiers of masculinity and the need for boys to be involved in "blood sports" as well as "beat girls" in sporting competitions. The meaning of health and the perception of boys' changing bodies over time are central to the discussion. The book will appeal to researchers, teachers, practitioners, policy makers and parents.
Murray Drummond 作者作品表

eBook: Boys' Bodies: Sport, Health and Physical Activity (DRM PDF)

eBook: Boys' Bodies: Sport, Health and Physical Activity (DRM EPUB)

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