eBook: Stronger Through Adversity: World-Class Leaders Share Pandemic-Tested Lessons on Thriving During the Toughest Challenges (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Joseph A. Michelli 
分類: Business & management ,
Management: leadership & motivation  
書城編號: 20844947

原價: HK$293.00
現售: HK$278.35 節省: HK$14.65

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製造商: McGraw-Hill Education
出版日期: 2020/12/22
頁數: 240
ISBN: 9781264257409
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From business guru Joseph Michelli the leadership lessons needed to thrive beyond the greatest business crisis in modern history COVID-19 has disrupted business and life in ways we never imagined. Within days of the outbreak, Joseph Michelli the world-renowned business expert who has cracked the leadership codes of Starbucks, Airbnb, Mercedes-Benz USA, and many other top companies went to work. He contacted 140+ senior leaders at major companies about their specific challenges and how they were meeting them getting raw yet thoughtful real-time insights into a crisis that will define an entire generation of leaders. The result is Stronger Through Adversity. In this business guide for our times, Michelli distills best leadership practices that can be used in any company, in any industry. Organized into four main themes Set the Foundation, Build Connections, Move with Purpose, and Harness Change Stronger Through Adversity provides a deep dive into the methods, tactics, and approaches leaders have used to keep their company afloat and to position it for success long after the pandemic. You ll get invaluable insights into crisis management, keeping employees and customers safe, maintaining a culture of engagement, and rapidly innovating. Applying powerful leadership methods used by Microsoft, Starbucks, Google, DHL, Target, Verizon, Kohl s, Marriott, and many others, you ll seize and hold the competitive edge in your industry. Whether you run a Fortune 500 company, own a small business, or manage a department or team this is your moment. Stronger Through Adversity delivers everything you need to prosper to lead your people to an unprecedented recovery, to weather the toughest challenges your business faces from the pandemic and beyond, and to thrive in all storms, large and small.
Joseph A. Michelli 作者作品表

Mindchamps Way, The: How to Turn an Idea Into a Global Movement (Second Edition) (Hardcover)

Customer Magic - The Macquarie Way: How to Reimagine Customer Experience to Transform Your Business (Paperback)

eBook: Customer Magic - The Macquarie Way (mp3 zips)

eBook: Customer Magic - The Macquarie Way (mp3 zips)

eBook: Customer Magic - The Macquarie Way (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Customer Magic - The Macquarie Way (DRM EPUB)

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Customer Magic - The Macquarie Way: How to Reimagine Customer Experience to Transform Your Business (Compact Disc)

Customer Magic - The Macquarie Way: How to Reimagine Customer Experience to Transform Your Business (Paperback)

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The Starbucks Experience: 5 Principles for Turning Ordinary Into Extraordinary (Compact Disc)

The Starbucks Experience: 5 Principles for Turning Ordinary Into Extraordinary (MP3 CD)

Stronger Through Adversity: World-Class Leaders Share Pandemic-Tested Lessons on Thriving During the Toughest Challenges (Compact Disc)

Stronger Through Adversity: World-Class Leaders Share Pandemic-Tested Lessons on Thriving During the Toughest Challenges (MP3 CD)

eBook: Stronger Through Adversity: World-Class Leaders Share Pandemic-Tested Lessons on Thriving During the Toughest Challenges (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Stronger Through Adversity: World-Class Leaders Share Pandemic-Tested Lessons on Thriving During the Toughest Challenges (DRM PDF)

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