eBook: Close Reading the Media: Literacy Lessons and Activities for Every Month of the School Year (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Frank Baker 
分類: Media studies ,
Educational strategies & policy ,
Literacy strategies ,
Primary & middle schools ,
Teacher training ,
Teaching of a specific subject ,
Teachers' classroom resources & material ,
Educational material  
書城編號: 20860702

售價: $377.00

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製造商: Taylor and Francis
出版日期: 2017/12/12
頁數: 154
ISBN: 9781315443034
>> 相關實體書

Teach middle school students to become savvy consumers of the TV, print, and online media bombarding them every day. In this timely book copublished by Routledge and MiddleWeb, media literacy expert Frank W. Baker offers thematic lessons for every month of the school year, so you can engage students in learning by having them analyze the real world around them. Students will learn to think critically about photos, advertisements, and other media and consider the intended purposes and messages. Topics include:Helping students detect fake news;Unraveling the messages in TV advertising;Looking at truth vs propaganda in political ads and debates;Revealing how big media influences the news we read;Understanding how pictures changed America during the Civil Rights Movement;Exploring the language of film and the symbols of costume design;Thinking about how media appeals to our emotions;Examining branding, product placement, and the role of celebrity;Reading and interpreting iconic news images;And much, much more!In addition, the book's lesson plans contain connections to key standards and step-by-step activities you can use immediately. With this practical book, you'll have all the tools and ideas you need to help today's students successfully navigate their media-filled world.
Frank Baker 作者作品表

We Survived the Holocaust Teacher's Guide (Paperback)

eBook: Close Reading the Media: Literacy Lessons and Activities for Every Month of the School Year (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Close Reading the Media: Literacy Lessons and Activities for Every Month of the School Year (DRM PDF)

Miss Hargreaves (Paperback)

Coming Distractions (Paperback)

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