eBook: Media Relations of the Anti-War Movement: The Battle for Hearts and Minds (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Ian Taylor 
系列: Routledge Studies in Global Information, Politics
分類: Media studies ,
Political campaigning & advertising ,
Demonstrations & protest movements  
書城編號: 20864079

售價: $572.00

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製造商: Taylor and Francis
出版日期: 2017/01/06
頁數: 244
ISBN: 9781315525679
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In this book, Ian Taylor examines how a social movement, the anti-Iraq War movement in the UK, engaged with the media as a part of their campaigning against the invasion and occupation of Iraq. Moving beyond content analysis to draw upon interviews with locally based journalists and activists, Taylor examines how locally based anti-war groups engaged with their local press, as well as how those groups were reported on by the local press in their respective areas. In the process of exploring these ideas, the book takes on questions like:How did local journalists assess the legitimacy of the anti-war movement? How, why, and to what extent did opponents of the war pursue local press coverage? What bearing did the social composition of the movement have on the way they set about engaging with the media? How did the local press handle the controversy surrounding opposition to military action against Iraq? Media Relations of the Anti-War Movement makes a unique contribution to research on the interactions between social movements and the media and plugs a major gap in the literature on the Iraq War and the media.
Routledge Studies in Global Information, Politics

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Ian Taylor 作者作品表

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Go Programming Cookbook: Over 75+ recipes to program microservices, networking, database and APIs using Golang (Paperback)

eBook: Go Programming Cookbook: Over 75+ recipes to program microservices, networking, database and APIs using Golang (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Web Programming with Go: Building and Scaling Interactive Web Applications with Go's Robust Ecosystem (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Mastering Go Network Automation: Automating Networks, Container Orchestration, Kubernetes with Puppet, Vegeta and Apache JMeter (DRM EPUB)

Mastering Go Network Automation (Paperback)

Mastering Go Network Automation: Automating Networks, Container Orchestration, Kubernetes with Puppet, Vegeta and Apache JMeter (Paperback)

eBook: Future Campus (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Future Campus (DRM PDF)

eBook: Crime In Context (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Crime In Context (DRM PDF)

eBook: African Politics: A Very Short Introduction (DRM PDF)

eBook: African Politics: A Very Short Introduction (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Media Relations of the Anti-War Movement: The Battle for Hearts and Minds (DRM PDF)

eBook: Media Relations of the Anti-War Movement: The Battle for Hearts and Minds (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Global Governance and Transnationalizing Capitalist Hegemony: The Myth of the 'Emerging Powers' (DRM PDF)

eBook: Global Governance and Transnationalizing Capitalist Hegemony: The Myth of the 'Emerging Powers' (DRM EPUB)

Future Campus (Paperback)

eBook: Africa Rising?: BRICS - Diversifying Dependency (DRM EPUB)

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