eBook: Violence and Gender in the Globalized World: The Intimate and the Extimate (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Sanja Bahun, V.G. Julie Rajan 
系列: Global Connections
分類: Violence in society ,
Globalization ,
Gender studies, gender groups ,
Ethnic studies ,
Sociology ,
Anthropology ,
Human rights ,
Jurisprudence & general issues ,
International human rights law ,
Offences against the person  
書城編號: 20873467

售價: $433.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 1-4 天

製造商: Taylor and Francis
出版日期: 2016/03/09
頁數: 320
ISBN: 9781317001744
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Violence and Gender in the Globalized World expands the critical picture of gender and violence in the age of globalization by introducing a variety of uncommonly discussed geo-political sites and dynamics. The volume hosts methodologically and disciplinarily diverse contributions from around the world, discussing various contexts including Chechnya, Germany, Iraq, Kenya, Malaysia, Nicaragua, Palestine, the former Yugoslavia, Syria, South Africa, the United States, and the Internet. Bringing together scholars' and activists' historicized and site-specific perspectives, this book bridges the gap between theory and practice concerning violence, gender, and agency. In this revised and updated edition, the scope of inquiry is expanded to incorporate phenomena that have recently come to the forefront of public and scholarly scrutiny, such as Internet-based discourses of violence, female suicide bombers, and the Islamic State's violence against women. At the same time, new data and developments are brought to bear on earlier discussions of violence against women across the globe in order to bring them fully up to date. With an international team of contributors, comprising eminent scholars, activists and policy-makers, this volume will be of interest to anyone conducting research in the areas of gender and sexuality, human rights, cultural studies, law, sociology, political science, history, post-colonialism and colonialism, anthropology, philosophy and religion.
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