eBook: Greenwashing Sport (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Toby Miller 
分類: Humanities ,
Popular culture ,
Media studies ,
Sports & outdoor recreation  
書城編號: 20893058

售價: $325.00

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製造商: Taylor and Francis
出版日期: 2017/07/06
頁數: 137
ISBN: 9781317333463
>> 相關實體書

Professional sports promote their green credentials and yet remain complicit in our global environmental crisisSports are responsible for significant carbon footprints through stadium construction and energy use, player and spectator travel, and media coverage. The impact of sports on climate change is further compounded by sponsorship deals with the gas and petroleum industries-imbuing those extractive corporations with a positive image by embedding them within the everyday pleasure of sport. Toby Miller argues that such activities amount to "greenwashing". Scrutinizing motor racing, association football, and the Olympics, Miller weighs up their environmental policies, their rhetoric of conservation and sustainability, and their green credentials. The book concludes with the role of green citizenship and organic fan activism in promoting pro-environmental sports.This is a must-read for students and researchers in media, communications, sociology, cultural studies, and environmental studies.
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