eBook: Blake's Heroic Argument (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: David Fuller 
系列: Routledge Library Editions: William Blake
分類: Poetry ,
Literary studies: c 1500 to c 1800 ,
Literary studies: c 1800 to c 1900  
書城編號: 20895436

售價: $546.00

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製造商: Taylor and Francis
出版日期: 2015/08/14
頁數: 328
ISBN: 9781317381341
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First published in 1988, this book is a study of all Blake's work in illuminated printing. It traces in particular, the development of his ideas on politics, religion, sexuality, and the imagination. There are substantial sections on some of Blake's best-known works, including the Marriage of Heaven and Hell, and the Songs of Innocence and Experience, and full critical essays on the Four Zoas and Jerusalem. The book describes the historical contexts of Blake's work, and sets it in relation to the political controversies of his age as these are reflected in the writings of Burke, Paine and Mary Wollstonecraft. It discusses the relationships of text and design in Blake, the characteristic verbal textures and rhythms of his longer poems, some influences on his thought, and developing structure of his personal myth and its relationship to other mythologies. The opening chapter discusses areas of fundamental disagreement with some of the main approaches to Blake whilst the final chapter discusses literary theory and the practice of criticism, arguing for an open and explicit involvement of personal experience and values and a more creative use of form in critical writing.
Routledge Library Editions: William Blake

eBook: Blake, Politics, and History (DRM PDF)

eBook: Blake, Politics, and History (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Blake's Heroic Argument (DRM PDF)

eBook: Blake's Heroic Argument (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Divided Image: A Study of William Blake and W. B. Yeats (DRM PDF)

eBook: Divided Image: A Study of William Blake and W. B. Yeats (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Introduction to the Study of Blake (DRM PDF)

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eBook: Organiz'd Innocence: The Story of Blake's Prophetic Books (DRM PDF)

eBook: Organiz'd Innocence: The Story of Blake's Prophetic Books (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Reading Blake's Songs (DRM PDF)

eBook: Reading Blake's Songs (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Twentieth-Century Blake Criticism: Northrop Frye to the Present (DRM PDF)

eBook: Twentieth-Century Blake Criticism: Northrop Frye to the Present (DRM EPUB)

David Fuller 作者作品表

eBook: Shakespeare and the Romantics (DRM PDF)

eBook: Shakespeare and the Romantics (DRM EPUB)

Alfie Jones and a Crisis of Confidence (Paperback)

The Book of Common Prayer: Some lesser known parts (Paperback)

English Church and State: A Short Study of Erastianism (Paperback)

Alfie Jones and the Big Decision (Paperback)

Essays to a Degree (Paperback)

eBook: Blake's Heroic Argument (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Blake's Heroic Argument (DRM PDF)

eBook: Sundance (DRM EPUB)

Out of my Mind (Paperback)

A Latter-Day Tractarian: Dom Gregory Dix (Paperback)

Life in the Sonnets (Paperback)

Sweetsmoke (Paperback)

William Blake (Paperback)

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