eBook: Act in Context: The Canonical Papers of Steven C. Hayes (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Steven C. Hayes 
系列: World Library of Mental Health
分類: Philosophy of mind ,
Psychological theory & schools of thought ,
Cognition & cognitive psychology ,
書城編號: 20907001

售價: $507.00

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製造商: Taylor and Francis
出版日期: 2015/10/16
頁數: 328
ISBN: 9781317594260
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The Canonical Papers of Steven C. Hayes is a compilation of his most pivotal articles written from 1982-2012. Through these selected papers, Hayes again revisits the theoretical struggles between behavioral and cognitive-behavior theories, taking us from the 1980s into present day, discussing the breakthroughs and follies. Using this as a focus point, he discusses the tradition of behavior analysis and its difficulties in addressing human language and cognition. Moving forward into the 90s, he chronicles the changes in a behavioral approach that emerge from a contextual perspective on human cognition, and lays out the foundation for a contextual behavioral science approach that he argues is more likely to lead to an understanding of human action and an alleviation of human suffering. Although the articles have previously been published, they have been edited and compiled ensure this branch of research is clear to the modern audience. The compilation was chosen by Dr. Hayes to enhance his vision for a functional contextual approach to complex human behavior.
World Library of Mental Health

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Steven C. Hayes 作者作品表

The Act in Context: The Canonical Papers of Steven C. Hayes (Paperback)

Process-Based CBT: The Science and Core Clinical Competencies of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy [Large Print 16 Pt Edition] (Paperback)

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Second Edition (Paperback)

eBook: Act in Context: The Canonical Papers of Steven C. Hayes (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Act in Context: The Canonical Papers of Steven C. Hayes (DRM PDF)

Sal de tu mente, entra en tu vida (Paperback)

eBook: Rule-Governed Behavior: Cognition, Contingencies, and Instructional Control (DRM PDF)

Get Out of Your Mind & Into Your Life: The New Acceptance & Commitment Therapy (paperback)

Relational Frame Theory: A Post-Skinnerian Account of Human Language and Cognition (2001 ed.) (Hardcover)

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