eBook: Producing Health Policy: Knowledge and Knowing in Government Policy Work (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Jo Maybin 
系列: Palgrave Studies in Science, Knowledge and Policy
分類: Social welfare & social services ,
Central government policies ,
Public health & preventive medicine ,
書城編號: 20946268

售價: $910.00

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製造商: Palgrave Macmillan UK
出版日期: 2016/04/08
ISBN: 9781349786541
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In this book Jo Maybin draws on rare access to the inner-workings of England's Department of Health to explore what kinds of knowledge civil servants use when developing policy, how they use it and why. Combining ethnographic data with insights from psychology, socio-linguistics, sociology and philosophy, she demonstrates how civil servants engage in a wide range of knowledge practices in the course of their daily work. These include sharing personal anecdotes, thrashing-out ideas in meetings and creating simplified representations of phenomena, as well as conducting cost-benefit analyses and commissioning academic research. Maybin analyzes the different functions that these various practices serve, from developing personal understandings of issues, to making complex social problems 'thinkable', and meeting the ever-present need to make policies 'happen'. In doing so, she develops an original theory of policy-making as the work of building connections between a policy in development and powerful ideas, people, and instruments, and reveals the 'policy know-how' required by civil servants to be effective in their jobs.
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