eBook: Ministry of Darkness: How Sergei Uvarov Created Conservative Modern Russia (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Chamberlain Lesley Chamberlain 
分類: History ,
Modern period, c 1500 onwards ,
書城編號: 20950082

售價: $292.00

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製造商: Bloomsbury Publishing
出版日期: 2019/10/31
頁數: 328
ISBN: 9781350116719
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There is nothing new about the Russian conservatism Putin stands for, acclaimed writer Lesley Chamberlain argues. Rather, as Ministry of Darkness reveals, the roots of Russian conservatism can be traced back to the 19th century when Count Uvarov's notorious cry of 'Orthodoxy, Autocracy, Nationality!' rang through the streets of Russia.Sergei Uvarov was no straightforward conservative; indeed, this man was at once both the pioneering educational reformer who founded the Arzamas Writers' Club to which Pushkin belonged, and the Minister who tyrannised and censored Russia's literary scene. How, then, do we reconcile such extreme contradictions in one person? Through Chamberlain's intimate examination of Uvarov's life and skilled analysis of Russian conservatism, readers learn how the many paradoxes that dominated Uvarov's personal and political life are those which, writ large, have forged the identity of conservative modern Russia and its relationship with the West.This fascinating book sheds new light on an often overlooked historical actor and offers a timely assessment of the 19th-century 'Russian predicament'. In doing so, Chamberlain teases out the reasons why the country continues to baffle Western observers and policymakers, making this essential reading both students of Russian history and those who want to further understand Russia as it is today.
Chamberlain Lesley Chamberlain 作者作品表

eBook: Street Life and Morals: German Philosophy in Hitler's Lifetime (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Ministry of Darkness: How Sergei Uvarov Created Conservative Modern Russia (DRM PDF)

eBook: Ministry of Darkness: How Sergei Uvarov Created Conservative Modern Russia (DRM EPUB)

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