eBook: Race, Ethnicity, and Consumption: A Sociological View (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Patricia A. Banks 
分類: Ethnic studies ,
書城編號: 20966515

售價: $468.00

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製造商: Taylor and Francis
出版日期: 2020/07/08
頁數: 190
ISBN: 9781351356305
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Race, Ethnicity, and Consumption: A Sociological View looks at the central concerns of consumer culture through the lens of race and ethnicity. Each chapter illustrates the connections between race, ethnicity, and consumption by focusing on a specific theme: identity, crossing cultures, marketing and advertising, neighborhoods, discrimination, and social activism. By exploring issues such as multicultural marketing, cultural appropriation, consumer racial profiling, urban food deserts, and racialized political consumerism, students, scholars, and other curious readers will gain insight on the ways that racial and ethnic boundaries shape, and are shaped by, consumption. This book goes beyond the typical treatments of race and ethnicity in introductory texts on consumption by not only providing a comprehensive overview of the major theories and concepts that sociologists use to make sense of consumption, race, and ethnicity, but also by examining these themes within distinctly contemporary contexts such as digital platforms and activism. Documenting the complexities and contradictions within consumer culture, Race, Ethnicity, and Consumption is an excellent text for sociology courses on consumers and consumption, race and ethnicity, the economy, and inequality. It will also be an informative resource for courses on consumer culture in the broader social sciences, marketing, and the humanities.
Patricia A. Banks 作者作品表

Black Culture, Inc.: How Ethnic Community Support Pays for Corporate America (Paperback)

eBook: Black Culture, Inc.: How Ethnic Community Support Pays for Corporate America (DRM EPUB)

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eBook: Race, Ethnicity, and Consumption: A Sociological View (DRM PDF)

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eBook: Represent: Art and Identity Among the Black Upper-Middle Class (DRM PDF)

eBook: Represent: Art and Identity Among the Black Upper-Middle Class (DRM EPUB)

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