eBook: Safety Anarchist: Relying on human expertise and innovation, reducing bureaucracy and compliance (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Sidney Dekker 
分類: Production & quality control management ,
Health & safety issues ,
Medicine: general issues ,
Occupational medicine ,
The environment ,
Engineering: general ,
Ergonomics ,
Environmental science, engineering & technology  
書城編號: 20969239

售價: $429.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 1-4 天

製造商: CRC Press
出版日期: 2017/10/19
頁數: 220
ISBN: 9781351403641
>> 相關實體書

Work has never been as safe as it seems today. Safety has also never been as bureaucratized as it is today. Over the past two decades, the number of safety rules and statutes has exploded, and organizations themselves are creating ever more internal compliance requirements. At the same time, progress on safety has slowed to a crawl. Many incident- and injury rates have flatlined. Worse, excellent safety performance on low-consequence events tends to increase the risk of fatalities and disasters. Bureaucracy and compliance now seem less about managing the safety of the workers we are responsible for, and more about managing the liability of the people they work for. We make workers do a lot that does nothing to improve their success locally. Paradoxically, such tightening of safety bureaucracy robs us of exactly the source of human insight, creativity and resilience that can tell us how success is actually created, and where the next accident may well happen. It is time for Safety Anarchists: people who trust people more than process, who rely on horizontally coordinating experiences and innovations, who push back against petty rules and coercive compliance, and who help recover the dignity and expertise of human work.
Sidney Dekker 作者作品表

Restorative Just Culture: From Disciplinary Action to Meaningful Accountability, Fourth Edition (4 ed) (Hardcover)

Restorative Just Culture: From Disciplinary Action to Meaningful Accountability, Fourth Edition (4 ed) (Paperback)

Stop Blaming: Create a restorative just culture (Paperback)

eBook: Compliance Capitalism: How Free Markets Have Led to Unfree, Overregulated Workers (DRM PDF)

eBook: Compliance Capitalism: How Free Markets Have Led to Unfree, Overregulated Workers (DRM EPUB)

Foundations of Safety Science (Paperback)

eBook: Foundations of Safety Science: A Century of Understanding Accidents and Disasters (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Foundations of Safety Science: A Century of Understanding Accidents and Disasters (DRM PDF)

eBook: Just Culture: Restoring Trust and Accountability in Your Organization, Third Edition (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Just Culture: Restoring Trust and Accountability in Your Organization, Third Edition (DRM PDF)

eBook: Field Guide to Human Error Investigations (DRM PDF)

eBook: Field Guide to Human Error Investigations (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Field Guide to Understanding 'Human Error' (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Field Guide to Understanding 'Human Error' (DRM PDF)

eBook: Safety Anarchist: Relying on human expertise and innovation, reducing bureaucracy and compliance (DRM PDF)

eBook: Safety Anarchist: Relying on human expertise and innovation, reducing bureaucracy and compliance (DRM EPUB)

Safety Anarchist (Paperback)

eBook: End of Heaven: Disaster and Suffering in a Scientific Age (DRM PDF)

eBook: End of Heaven: Disaster and Suffering in a Scientific Age (DRM EPUB)

The Field Guide to Human Error Investigations (Hardcover)

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