eBook: War and Strategy in the Modern World: From Blitzkrieg to Unconventional Terror (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Azar Gat 
系列: Cass Military Studies
分類: Military history ,
Armed conflict ,
Theory of warfare & military science ,
Defence strategy, planning & research  
書城編號: 20989374

售價: $546.00

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製造商: Taylor and Francis
出版日期: 2018/03/15
頁數: 186
ISBN: 9781351802802
>> 相關實體書

This volume brings together some of Professor Azar Gat's most significant articles on the evolution of strategic doctrines and the transformation of war during the 20th and early 21st centuries.It sheds new light on the rise of the German Panzer arm and the doctrine of Blitzkrieg between the two world wars; explores the factors behind the formation of strategic policy and military doctrine in the world war era and during the cold war; and explains why counterinsurgency has become such a problem. The book concludes with the spread of peace in the developed world, challenged as it is by the rise of the authoritarian-capitalist great powers - China and Russia - and by the chilling prospect of unconventional terrorism. This last essay summarizes the author's latest research and has not previously been published in article form.This collection will be of much interest to students of strategic studies, military history, and international relations.
Cass Military Studies

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Understanding Battlefield Coalitions (Paperback)

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Contemporary Military Reserves: Between the Civilian and Military Worlds (Paperback)

Counterinsurgency Warfare and Brutalisation: The Second Russian-Chechen War (Paperback)

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... [顯示此系列所有商品]

Azar Gat 作者作品表

Ideological Fixation: From the Stone Age to Today's Culture Wars (Paperback)

Military Theory and the Conduct of War: What Is Strategy All About? (Hardcover)

eBook: Clausewitz Myth: Or the Emperor's New Clothes (DRM EPUB)

Clausewitz Myth, The: Or the Emperor's New Clothes (Paperback)

Ideological Fixation: From the Stone Age to Today's Culture Wars (Compact Disc)

Ideological Fixation: From the Stone Age to Today's Culture Wars (MP3 CD)

eBook: Ideological Fixation: From the Stone Age to Today's Culture Wars (DRM PDF)

eBook: Ideological Fixation: From the Stone Age to Today's Culture Wars (DRM EPUB)

eBook: War and Strategy in the Modern World: From Blitzkrieg to Unconventional Terror (DRM PDF)

eBook: War and Strategy in the Modern World: From Blitzkrieg to Unconventional Terror (DRM EPUB)

The Causes of War and the Spread of Peace: But Will War Rebound? (Hardcover)

eBook: Causes of War and the Spread of Peace: But Will War Rebound? (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Causes of War and the Spread of Peace: But Will War Rebound? (DRM PDF)

Nations (Paperback)

eBook: Victorious and Vulnerable: Why Democracy Won in the 20th Century and How it is Still Imperiled (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Victorious and Vulnerable: Why Democracy Won in the 20th Century and How it is Still Imperiled (DRM PDF)

War in Human Civilization (Paperback)

eBook: War in Human Civilization (DRM EPUB)

eBook: War in Human Civilization (DRM PDF)

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