eBook: End of Heaven: Disaster and Suffering in a Scientific Age (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Sidney Dekker 
分類: Western philosophy, from c 1900 - ,
Philosophy: epistemology & theory of knowledge ,
Sociology: family & relationships ,
Sociology: death & dying ,
Economics ,
Business strategy ,
Sales & marketing management ,
Sales & marketing ,
Health & safety issues ,
Personal & public health ,
Occupational medicine ,
Engineering: general ,
Ergonomics ,
Environmental science, engineering & technology ,
Health & personal development  
書城編號: 20990216

售價: $481.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 1-4 天

製造商: CRC Press
出版日期: 2017/09/19
頁數: 106
ISBN: 9781351819213
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In this unique book, Sidney Dekker tackles a largely unexplored dilemma. Our scientific age has equipped us ever better to explain why things go wrong. But this increasing sophistication actually makes it harder to explain why we suffer. Accidents and disasters have become technical problems without inherent purpose. When told of a disaster, we easily feel lost in the steely emptiness of technical languages of engineering or medicine. Or, in our drive to pinpoint the source of suffering, we succumb to the hunt for a scapegoat, possibly inflicting even greater suffering on others around us. How can we satisfactorily deal with suffering when the disaster that caused it is no more than the dispassionate sum of utterly mundane, imperfect human decisions and technical failures? Broad in its historical sweep and ambition, The End of Heaven is also Dekker's most personal book to date.
Sidney Dekker 作者作品表

Restorative Just Culture: From Disciplinary Action to Meaningful Accountability, Fourth Edition (4 ed) (Hardcover)

Restorative Just Culture: From Disciplinary Action to Meaningful Accountability, Fourth Edition (4 ed) (Paperback)

Stop Blaming: Create a restorative just culture (Paperback)

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Foundations of Safety Science (Paperback)

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eBook: Foundations of Safety Science: A Century of Understanding Accidents and Disasters (DRM PDF)

eBook: Just Culture: Restoring Trust and Accountability in Your Organization, Third Edition (DRM EPUB)

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Safety Anarchist (Paperback)

eBook: End of Heaven: Disaster and Suffering in a Scientific Age (DRM PDF)

eBook: End of Heaven: Disaster and Suffering in a Scientific Age (DRM EPUB)

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