eBook: That Eminent Tribunal: Judicial Supremacy and the Constitution (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Christopher Wolfe 
系列: New Forum Books
分類: Courts & procedure ,
Constitutional & administrative law ,
書城編號: 21010958

原價: HK$455.00
現售: HK$432.25 節省: HK$22.75

購買後立即進貨, 約需 1-4 天

製造商: Princeton University Press
出版日期: 2009/02/09
頁數: 256
ISBN: 9781400826285
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The role of the United States Supreme Court has been deeply controversial throughout American history. Should the Court undertake the task of guarding a wide variety of controversial and often unenumerated rights? Or should it confine itself to enforcing specific constitutional provisions, leaving other issues (even those of rights) to the democratic process? That Eminent Tribunal brings together a distinguished group of legal scholars and political scientists who argue that the Court's power has exceeded its appropriate bounds, and that sound republican principles require greater limits on that power. They reach this conclusion by an interesting variety of paths, and despite varied political convictions. Some of the essays debate the explicit claims to constitutional authority laid out by the Supreme Court itself in Planned Parenthood v. Casey and similar cases, and others focus on the defenses of judicial authority found commonly in legal scholarship (e.g., the allegedly superior moral reasoning of judges, or judges' supposed track record of superior political decision making). The authors find these arguments wanting and contend that the principles of republicanism and the contemporary form of judicial review exercised by the Supreme Court are fundamentally incompatible. The contributors include Hadley Arkes, Gerard V. Bradley, George Liebmann, Michael McConnell, Robert F. Nagel, Jack Wade Nowlin, Steven D. Smith, Jeremy Waldron, Keith E. Whittington, Christopher Wolfe, and Michael P. Zuckert.
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Christopher Wolfe 作者作品表

Executed and Innocent (Paperback)

eBook: That Eminent Tribunal: Judicial Supremacy and the Constitution (DRM PDF)

eBook: That Eminent Tribunal: Judicial Supremacy and the Constitution (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Rise of Modern Judicial Review: From Judicial Interpretation to Judge-Made Law (DRM PDF)

eBook: Rise of Modern Judicial Review: From Judicial Interpretation to Judge-Made Law (DRM EPUB)

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