eBook: Not in the Heavens: The Tradition of Jewish Secular Thought (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: David Biale 
分類: Humanist & secular alternatives to religion ,
Jewish studies  
書城編號: 21012461

原價: HK$325.00
現售: HK$308.75 節省: HK$16.25

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製造商: Princeton University Press
出版日期: 2010/10/18
頁數: 248
ISBN: 9781400836642
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Not in the Heavens traces the rise of Jewish secularism through the visionary writers and thinkers who led its development. Spanning the rich history of Judaism from the Bible to today, David Biale shows how the secular tradition these visionaries created is a uniquely Jewish one, and how the emergence of Jewish secularism was not merely a response to modernity but arose from forces long at play within Judaism itself. Biale explores how ancient Hebrew books like Job, Song of Songs, and Esther downplay or even exclude God altogether, and how Spinoza, inspired by medieval Jewish philosophy, recast the biblical God in the role of nature and stripped the Torah of its revelatory status to instead read scripture as a historical and cultural text. Biale examines the influential Jewish thinkers who followed in Spinoza's secularizing footsteps, such as Salomon Maimon, Heinrich Heine, Sigmund Freud, and Albert Einstein. He tells the stories of those who also took their cues from medieval Jewish mysticism in their revolts against tradition, including Hayim Nahman Bialik, Gershom Scholem, and Franz Kafka. And he looks at Zionists like David Ben-Gurion and other secular political thinkers who recast Israel and the Bible in modern terms of race, nationalism, and the state. Not in the Heavens demonstrates how these many Jewish paths to secularism were dependent, in complex and paradoxical ways, on the very religious traditions they were rejecting, and examines the legacy and meaning of Jewish secularism today.
David Biale 作者作品表

eBook: Jewish Culture between Canon and Heresy (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Jewish Culture between Canon and Heresy (DRM PDF)

Hasidism (Paperback)

Gershom Scholem (Hardcover)

eBook: Traditionen der Sakularisierung (DRM PDF)

The Norton Anthology of World Religions: Judaism (Paperback)

eBook: Cultures of the Jews (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Power & Powerlessness in Jewish History (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Not in the Heavens: The Tradition of Jewish Secular Thought (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Not in the Heavens: The Tradition of Jewish Secular Thought (DRM PDF)

Not in the Heavens: The Tradition of Jewish Secular Thought (Hardcover)

eBook: Blood and Belief: The Circulation of a Symbol between Jews and Christians (DRM PDF)

Power & Powerlessness in Jewish History (Paperback)

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