eBook: Policy, Experience and Change: Cross-Cultural Reflections on Inclusive Education (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Len Barton, Felicity Armstrong 
系列: Inclusive Education: Cross Cultural Perspectives
分類: Organization & management of education ,
Higher & further education, tertiary education  
書城編號: 21019841

售價: $1164.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 1-4 天

製造商: Springer Netherlands
出版日期: 2007/02/08
ISBN: 9781402051197
>> 相關實體書

One of the qualities of this book is the authors'engagement with personal experience. This is part of the contextualising of issues within particular cultural, historical and social contexts. I shall begin the Foreword in the same spirit by recounting an experience that is still a foundation for analysing and developing my own understanding. This h- pened some twenty-five years ago. I was going with Vic Finkelstein, a disabled a- demic and activist, to a seminar, on a hot summer's day, making our way across the Open University campus in Milton Keynes. The seminar was entitled 'The Problems of Integration'. Making conversation with Vic I suggested that the seminar sounded int- esting. His response was immediate and direct: no it was not interesting - the problems for disabled people were the problems of segregation, not the problems of integration. As he did often for me, Vic turned understanding on its head and his seemingly simple observation carried ever-increasing ripples of critical questioning. Reading of international developments and of the specifics of education policy, provision and practice across the widely differing circumstances found in different nation states, from the majority as well as the minority world, challenges, deepens and confirms understanding. There are, not surprisingly, considerable diversities and c- monalities, and recurring themes that speak to both - and fire critical questioning. The complexities pretty quickly give food for thought and ring bells of caution. The first for me is the lack of digestion - the impossibility of comprehensive knowledge.
Inclusive Education: Cross Cultural Perspectives

eBook: Rethinking Inclusive Education: The Philosophers of Difference in Practice (DRM PDF)

eBook: Inclusion and Psychological Intervention in Schools: A Critical Autoethnography (DRM PDF)

eBook: Policy, Experience and Change: Cross-Cultural Reflections on Inclusive Education (DRM PDF)

eBook: Impossible Bodies, Impossible Selves: Exclusions and Student Subjectivities (DRM PDF)

eBook: Inclusion, Participation and Democracy: What is the Purpose? (DRM PDF)

eBook: Spaced Out: Policy, Difference and the Challenge of Inclusive Education (DRM PDF)

Len Barton 作者作品表

eBook: Disability and Society: Emerging Issues and Insights (DRM PDF)

eBook: Disability and Society: Emerging Issues and Insights (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Disability, Politics and the Struggle for Change (DRM PDF)

eBook: Disability, Politics and the Struggle for Change (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Inclusive education and teacher education: A basis for hope or a discourse of delusion? (DRM PDF)

Overcoming Disabling Barriers: 18 Years of Disability and Society (Paperback)

eBook: Education and Society: 25 Years of the British Journal of Sociology of Education (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Education and Society: 25 Years of the British Journal of Sociology of Education (DRM PDF)

eBook: Education and Society: 25 Years of the British Journal of Sociology of Education (DRM PDF)

eBook: Overcoming Disabling Barriers: 18 Years of Disability and Society (DRM PDF)

eBook: Overcoming Disabling Barriers: 18 Years of Disability and Society (DRM PDF)

eBook: Overcoming Disabling Barriers: 18 Years of Disability and Society (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Discapacidad y sociedad (DRM PDF)

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