Youth and consumption
作者: Kara Chan 
分類: Market research  
書城編號: 210365

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出版社: 香港城市大學出版社City University of Hong Kong Press
出版日期: 2010/07/01
ISBN: 9789629371524

The global youth market is important to international marketers, educators, and policy makers because of its growing purchase power, homogeneity, and its readiness to accept new innovations. This book explores the interplay of the youth segment and the market environment. It employs a variety of research methodologies to analyze how young people in Hong Kong interact with various consumer socializing agents, including parents, peers, media celebrities, government publicities, media contents, and advertisements. With evidence-based advice on how to communicate with the youth in the context of consumption of products, services, and ideas, this volume will prove to be a very useful reference to a wide range of readers, including marketing professionals, counselors, and educators who work closely with young people as a unique group of target audience.
Kara Chan 作者作品表

The Mazes: Challenge Brains from Kids and Adults (Paperback)

The Ultimate Big Kid Coloring Book: Transportation (Paperback)

The Ultimate Dinosaurs Coloring: Fun and Realistic Dinosaurs for Kids (Paperback)

eBook: Social Issues of Advertising (DRM PDF)

Social Issues of Advertising

Girls and Media- Dreams and Realities

eBook: Girls and Media-Dreams and Realities (DRM PDF)

Youth and consumption

eBook: Youth and Consumption (DRM PDF)

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