eBook: Responsible Grace: John Wesley's Practical Theology (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Randy L. Maddox 
書城編號: 21057179

售價: $481.00

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製造商: Kingswood Books
出版日期: 1994/10/01
ISBN: 9781426763816

Of special focus in this reflective overview of Wesley's theological convictions is highlighting the practical-theological dynamics of Wesley's work and suggesting possible implications for contemporary attempts to recover theology as a practical discipline. Another distinctive focus of this work is a systematic consideration of the integration of theological emphases traditionally divergent in Eastern and Western Christianity. The author also closely examines the consistency of Wesley's thought throughout his career.
Randy L. Maddox 作者作品表

The Works of John Wesley Volume 31: Letters VII (1789-1791) (The Works of Jo) (Hardcover)

The Works of John Wesley Volume 30: Letters VI (1782-1788) (The Works of Jo) (Hardcover)

The Works of John Wesley Volume 29: Letters V (1774-1781) (The Works of Jo) (Hardcover)

The Works of John Wesley Volume 28: Letters IV (1766-1773) (The Works of Jo) (Hardcover)

eBook: Responsible Grace: John Wesley's Practical Theology (DRM EPUB)

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