eBook: Standoff (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Lisa Trumbauer 
書城編號: 21068353

原價: HK$93.00
現售: HK$88.35 節省: HK$4.65

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出版日期: 2008/09/01
頁數: 56
ISBN: 9781434209948

In 1836, 15-year-old Cal and his mother ride across the Texas countryside. Suddenly, they spot thousands of Mexican soldiers approaching on the horizon. Cal knows they mean trouble, so he steers the wagon to the safest place around, the Alamo! Davy Crockett, Jim Bowie, and other soldiers are there, waiting for a fight. But can their small group hold off an entire army? It'll be a battle they'll never forget.
Lisa Trumbauer 作者作品表

Three Little Pigs (Paperback)

Great Reindeer Rebellion (Paperback)

eBook: Skater's Secret (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Pit Crew Crunch (DRM EPUB)

Communities Set (paperback)

Skater's Secret (Paperback)

Storm Surfer (Hardcover)

Skater's Secret (Hardcover)

Pit Crew Crunch (Hardcover)

The Graphic Novels, Set (hardcover)

eBook: Standoff (DRM PDF)

Brain Quest Workbook: Grade 1 (Paperback)

Brain Quest Workbook: Kindergarten (K) (Ages 5-6)

What Is Volume? (paperback)

What Are Atoms? (paperback)

Earth Features Set (paperback)

Communities Set (paperback)

What Is Electricity? (paperback)

What Is Gravity? (paperback)

All about Light (hardcover)

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