eBook: School-to-Prison Pipeline: Education, Discipline, and Racialized Double Standards: Education, Discipline, and Racialized Double Standards (DRM
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Nancy A. Heitzeg 
系列: Racism in American Institutions
分類: Ethnic minorities & multicultural studies ,
Prisons ,
Multicultural education ,
書城編號: 21084278

售價: $585.00

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出版日期: 2016/04/11
頁數: 178
ISBN: 9781440831126
>> 相關實體書

How is racism perpetuated by the education system, particularly via the "school-to-prison pipeline?" How is the school to prison pipeline intrinsically connected to the larger context of the prison industrial complex as well as the extensive and ongoing criminalization of youth of color? This book uniquely describes the system of policies and practices that racialize criminalization by routing youth of color out of school and towards prison via the school-to-prison pipeline while simultaneously medicalizing white youth for comparable behaviors. This work is the first to consider and link all of the research and data from a sociological perspective, using this information to locate racism in our educational systems; describe the rise of the so-called prison industrial complex; spotlight the concomitant expansion of the "medical-industrial complex" as an alternative for controlling the white and well-off, both adult and juveniles; and explore the significance of media in furthering the white racial frame that typically views people of color as "criminals" as an automatic response. The author also examines the racial dynamics of the school to prison pipeline as documented by rates of suspension, expulsion, and referrals to legal systems and sheds light on the comparative dynamics of the related educational social control of white and middle-class youth in the larger context of society as a whole.
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... [顯示此系列所有商品]

Nancy A. Heitzeg 作者作品表

eBook: School-to-Prison Pipeline: Education, Discipline, and Racialized Double Standards: Education, Discipline, and Racialized Double Standards (DRM

eBook: School-to-Prison Pipeline: Education, Discipline, and Racialized Double Standards: Education, Discipline, and Racialized Double Standards (DRM

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