eBook: Gospel according to Heretics: Discovering Orthodoxy through Early Christological Conflicts (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: David E. Wilhite 
分類: Christian theology ,
Miscellaneous items  
書城編號: 21092584

原價: HK$312.00
現售: HK$296.4 節省: HK$15.6

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製造商: Baker Publishing Group
出版日期: 2015/10/13
頁數: 304
ISBN: 9781441223517
>> 相關實體書

Since what Christian doctrine denies can be as important as what it affirms, it is important to understand teachings about Jesus that the early church rejected. Historians now acknowledge that proponents of alternative teachings were not so much malicious malcontents as they were misguided or even misunderstood. Here a recognized expert in early Christian theology teaches orthodox Christology by explaining the false starts (heresies), making the history of theology relevant for today's church. This engaging introduction to the christological heresies is suitable for beginning students. In addition, pastors and laypeople will find it useful for apologetic purposes.
David E. Wilhite 作者作品表

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eBook: Gospel according to Heretics: Discovering Orthodoxy through Early Christological Conflicts (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Tertullian the African: An Anthropological Reading of Tertullian's Context and Identities (DRM PDF)

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