eBook: Introduction to Topological Manifolds (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: John Lee 
系列: Graduate Texts in Mathematics
分類: Analytic geometry ,
書城編號: 21096863

售價: $715.00

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製造商: Springer New York
出版日期: 2010/12/25
ISBN: 9781441979407
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This book is an introduction to manifolds at the beginning graduate level. It contains the essential topological ideas that are needed for the further study of manifolds, particularly in the context of differential geometry, algebraic topology, and related fields. Its guiding philosophy is to develop these ideas rigorously but economically, with minimal prerequisites and plenty of geometric intuition.Although this second edition has the same basic structure as the first edition, it has been extensively revised and clarified; not a single page has been left untouched. The major changes include a new introduction to CW complexes (replacing most of the material on simplicial complexes in Chapter 5); expanded treatments of manifolds with boundary, local compactness, group actions, and proper maps; and a new section on paracompactness.This text is designed to be used for an introductory graduate course on the geometry and topology of manifolds. It should be accessible to any student who has completed a solid undergraduate degree in mathematics. The author's book Introduction to Smooth Manifolds is meant to act as a sequel to this book.
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Lectures of the History of the Church of Scotland (Hardcover)

A Grateful Nation Soon Forgot: The remarkable story of Southend's contribution in defence of the nation (Hardcover)

A Grateful Nation Soon Forgot: The remarkable story of Southend's contribution in defence of the nation (Paperback)

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Catalogue of the Egyptian Antiquities in the Museum of Hartwell House (Paperback)

Catalogue of the Egyptian Antiquities in the Museum of Hartwell House (Hardcover)

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Mister Neapolitan and the Ice Cream March! (Paperback)

Essentials of Excel Vba, Python, and R: Volume II: Financial Derivatives, Risk Management and Machine Learning (00022022) (Hardcover)

Essentials of Excel Vba, Python, and R: Volume I: Financial Statistics and Portfolio Analysis (00022022) (Hardcover)

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