eBook: Maya Cultural Heritage: How Archaeologists and Indigenous Communities Engage the Past (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Patricia A. McAnany, Sarah M. Rowe 
系列: Archaeology in Society
分類: Museology & heritage studies ,
History of the Americas ,
Early history: c 500 to c 1450/1500 ,
Archaeology ,
Archaeology by period / region ,
c 500 CE to c 1000 CE ,
Central America ,
Pre-Columbian America  
書城編號: 21100023

售價: $1105.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 1-4 天

製造商: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
出版日期: 2016/09/15
頁數: 270
ISBN: 9781442241282
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Situated at the intersection of cultural heritage and local community, this book enlarges our understanding of the Indigenous peoples of southern Mexico and northern Central America who became detached from ';the ancient Maya' through colonialism, government actions, and early twentieth-century anthropological and archaeological research. Through grass-roots heritage programs, local communities are reconnecting with a much valorized but distant past.Maya Cultural Heritage explores how community programs conceived and implemented in a collaborative style are changing the relationship among, archaeological practice, the objects of archaeological study, and contemporary ethnolinguistic Mayan communities. Rather than simply describing Maya sites, McAnany concentrates on the dialogue nurtured by these participatory heritage programs, the new ';heritage-scapes' they foster, and how the diverse Maya communities of today relate to those of the past.
Archaeology in Society

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