eBook: United States and Cuba: From Closest Enemies to Distant Friends (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Francisco Lopez Segrera 
系列: Latin American Perspectives in the Classroom
分類: History of the Americas ,
Latin America  
書城編號: 21101669

售價: $325.00

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製造商: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
出版日期: 2017/04/17
頁數: 140
ISBN: 9781442267237
>> 相關實體書

This timely book takes the historic restoration of diplomatic ties between Cuba and the United States in 2015 as the point of departure for a Cuban perspective on future relations. Tracing the history of the long and contentious relationship, Francisco Lopez Segrera analyzes the pre-revolutionary and Cold War periods as well as more recent changes within each nation and in the international environment that led to the diplomatic opening and the abandonment of regime change as the goal of U.S. policy. He considers factors such as the declining influence of hard-line Cuban exiles in the United States; almost universal calls from Latin America, Europe, and other U.S. allies for constructive diplomatic engagement; and the economic restructuring underway in Cuba following the crisis of the ';Special Period' triggered by the collapse of the Soviet Union. The author also identifies conditions favoring further progress, as well as outstanding issues that may constitute barriersespecially the blockade, U.S. demands for a Western-style democracy in Cuba, and its refusal to return the Guantnamo naval base to Cuban sovereignty. Comparing the differing perceptions shaping policies on both sides, Lopez Segrera weighs the steps that will be necessary for the two countries to move toward full normalization.
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... [顯示此系列所有商品]

Francisco Lopez Segrera 作者作品表

United States and Cuba (Paperback)

eBook: United States and Cuba: From Closest Enemies to Distant Friends (DRM PDF)

eBook: United States and Cuba: From Closest Enemies to Distant Friends (DRM EPUB)

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