eBook: Norfolk's Military Heritage (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Neil R. Storey 
系列: Military Heritage
分類: Military history ,
Local history ,
書城編號: 21123805

原價: HK$156.00
現售: HK$148.2 節省: HK$7.8

購買後立即進貨, 約需 1-4 天

製造商: Amberley Publishing
出版日期: 2019/02/15
頁數: 96
ISBN: 9781445688237

Norfolk's military heritage dates back to the earliest times, from Iron Age forts, Iceni strongholds and Boudica's rebellion against Roman occupation to its front-line role with coastal defences and numerous airbases during the Second World War. The Romans left their mark with fortifications, garrisons and shore forts. The county was shaped by Anglo-Saxon and Viking invasions and the Normans, whose castles still stand dominant in the county. Norfolk was the scene of uprisings and rebellions, including the Peasants' Revolt, Kett's Rebellion and Civil War conflicts. The men of the county led and filled the ranks of the local volunteers, militias and yeomanry during the Napoleonic Wars and was famed for its great maritime commander of the day - Admiral Lord Nelson. The county played a vital part in both world wars, not least suffering direct attacks by German battleships, Zeppelin air raids during the First World War and becoming a target during the Baedeker Blitz in 1942. The Royal Norfolk Regiment has a proud history, serving with distinction wherever they fought - from the Peninsular War to South Africa, through two world wars and beyond. Award-winning historian Neil R. Storey is a born-and-bred Norfolk man. He has published on military and social history themes for thirty years and knows and loves his county well. Norfolk's Military Heritage will interest anyone keen to know more about the county's remarkable military history.
Military Heritage

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Neil R. Storey 作者作品表

UFOs in Britain (Paperback)

eBook: British Soldier of the Second World War (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Norfolk's Military Heritage (DRM EPUB)

Home Front in World War Two (Paperback)

Northumberland's Military Heritage (Paperback)

eBook: Northumberland's Military Heritage (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Norfolk in the Great War From Old Photographs (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Tommy of the First World War (DRM EPUB)

WRNS (Paperback)

Northumberland and Tyneside's War (Paperback)

Little Book of Norwich (Hardcover)

eBook: Little Book of Norwich (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Zeppelin Blitz: The German Air Raids on Great Britain During the First World War (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Little Book of Suffolk (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Little Book of Murder (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Little Book of Death (DRM EPUB)

North Walsham & District IOP (Paperback)

eBook: East End Murders: From Jack the Ripper to Ronnie Kray (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Dracula Secrets: Jack the Ripper and the Darkest Sources of Bram Stoker (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Norfolk Villains: Rogues, Rascals and Reprobates (DRM EPUB)

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