eBook: 50 Gems of West Cork: The History & Heritage of the Most Iconic Places (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Kieran McCarthy 
系列: 50 Gems
分類: Local history ,
書城編號: 21123964

原價: HK$156.00
現售: HK$148.2 節省: HK$7.8

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製造商: Amberley Publishing
出版日期: 2019/11/15
頁數: 96
ISBN: 9781445692401

Situated in the south-western corner of Ireland, the region of West Cork attracts millions of visitors each year to discover its spectacular coastline and dramatic landscapes. It is known for many aspects: its scenery, its serenity, its culture and its people. 50 Gems of West Cork takes the reader from Bandon to Castletownbere, through the changing and unspoilt landscapes and seascapes, and provides an insight into the uniqueness of the region. The necklace of towns and villages are all linked together through a striking section of Ireland's coastline, encompassing a raw coastal wilderness with expansive inlets. Together with the exquisite coastal scenery are undulating inland landscapes criss-crossed by mountains, hills, streams and rivers, imposing old-world villages and wonderful discoveries at every bend in the road. In this book, local author Kieran McCarthy seeks out the essence and the character of the area to show how special it is.
50 Gems

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Kieran McCarthy 作者作品表

eBook: Cork: A Potted History (DRM EPUB)

Cork: A Potted History (Paperback)

eBook: A-Z of Curious County Cork (DRM EPUB)

The A-Z of Curious County Cork: Strange Stories of Mysteries, Crimes and Eccentrics (Paperback)

Celebrating Cork (Paperback)

eBook: Celebrating Cork (DRM EPUB)

50 Gems of West Cork (Paperback)

Something In The Water (Paperback)

eBook: 50 Gems of West Cork: The History & Heritage of the Most Iconic Places (DRM EPUB)

Little Book of Cork Harbour (Hardcover)

eBook: Little Book of Cork Harbour (DRM EPUB)

Cork in 50 Buildings (Paperback)

eBook: Cork in 50 Buildings (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Secret Cork (DRM EPUB)

Secret Cork (Paperback)

Cork City History Tour (Paperback)

Faberge In London (Hardcover)

eBook: Cork City History Tour (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Gathering (DRM EPUB)

Little Book of Cork (Hardcover)

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